Gewoonweg om jou te laten weten dat er op Eclecticus in de rubriek 'Zelfkennis' een brief van Maurice Nicoll werd gepubliceerd, gericht aan Bush. Het is iets van een 6-tal A-4 bladzijden lang en toont ons aan dat er in de laatste 81 jaar tijd nog niets gewijzigd is met betrekking tot het bewustzijnsniveau van de mens. Het is dan ook de énige reden waarom we in de nabije toekomst nog vele oorlogen mogen verwachten.
Bovendien schreef ik al eerder dat ook in ons zogenaamde 'geciviliseerde Westen' (gewoonweg, omdat veel meer mensen dan voorheen hebben leren lezen en schrijven) weinigen in vrede leven met de medemens, waaronder hun partners, familieleden, vrienden, kennissen, werkmakkers, en zo meer. Weinigen - of, geen van hen, misschien - beseffen daarbij dat de medaille waaraan ze de naam '(eigen)liefde' hebben gegeven ook een achterzijde heeft waarmee ze onbewust dagdagelijks worden geconfronteerd...
Hieronder een kort uittreksel uit die brief de dato 27 maart 1941: als voorsmaakje...
Dear Bush,
I was very interested to have your report of the meeting on March 20th. I think it would be best if I wrote to you on the basis of the questions that you have reported to me and the personal notes that you made yourself.
In the first place what must be understood is that man on this earth is in a very strange situation. When I first heard about this idea of man it affected me very much. Ordinarily, of course, we imagine that man can grow and develop in what I might call the natural normal way, simply by education, example, and so on. Yet, if we look at history, we find that man has not really developed, and particularly if we look at the present day we cannot boast that man has reached any real further stage of development. Look for a moment at the horrors that humanity imposes on itself nowadays. Yet people are prone to imagine that time means progress and that everything is getting better and better as time passes. And as a rule people take the obvious contradictions as exceptional. That is to say, people are always inclined to think that what are really the usual and ever-present circumstances of life, in a bad sense, are exceptional. You will agree with me perhaps that people usually regard war as exceptional. Yet you must admit that if you pick up any book of history you will find that it deals with war in the main, with war, intrigue, people seeking power, and so on. Actually, unless we have the strength of mind to see what ordinary life on this planet is like, we will remain in imagination, or illusion, if you prefer the word. As you know, in this system of work, amongst many sayings which have a great density of meaning, namely: that take a long time to understand - there is one saying that "the level of being of a man attracts his life". This saying applies to humanity in general - that is, the general level of humanity with regard to its being attracts the form of life that it experiences. It is useless to think that wars and horrors and revolutions, etcetera, are exceptional. What is at fault is the level of being of people. But nobody is willing to understand this and whenever war takes place, as I said, people take it as exceptional, and even speak about a future free from war, as soon as the existing war is over. We can see the same process at work now. History repeats itself because man remains at the same level of being, namely: he attracts again and again the same circumstances, feels the same things, says the same things, hopes the same things, believes the same things. And yet nothing actually changes. All the articles that were written in the last war are just the same as the articles written in this war, and will be for ever and ever. But what concerns us more is that the same idea applies to ourselves, to each individual person. As long as there is no change in the level of being, the personal history of a man remains the same. Everything repeats itself in his own life: he says the same things, he does the same things, he regrets the same things, he commits the same things. And all this belongs to this immensely deep idea that the level of being attracts his life.
Let us come to some of the main ideas which deal with the question of how a man can change his being...
Daarna verwees Nicoll naar de manier waardoor een mens kan uitgroeien tot zichZelf door, bijvoorbeeld, het verschil uit te leggen tussen 'essentie' en 'persoonlijkheid'. Kortom: het is een prachtige, krachtige en meest inspirerende tekst teneinde jou eraan te herinneren waaraan je ooit begonnen bent!
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