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Dossier Zelfkennis: Wat is het verschil tussen waarneming en Zelf-waarneming?

Het soort kennis dat een mens innerlijk kan veranderen, kan niet louter door waarneming worden verkregen.
door Tsenne Kikke - vrijdag 12 augustus 2022 15:51

Gewoonweg om jou mede te delen dat er in de rubriek 'Eclecticus een nieuwe tekst werd geplaatst, waarin het verschil tussen waarneming en Zelf-waarneming wordt uitgelegd. In de vorige blog maakte ik er reeds melding van. Hopelijk heb je er iets aan! :-)

Die tekst begint met de volgende woorden...

"To observe and to observe oneself are two different things. Both need attention. But in observation, the attention is directed outward through the senses. In self-observation the attention is directed inwards, and there is no sense-organ for this. This is one reason why self-observation is more difficult than observation.

In modern science only the observable is taken as real. Whatever cannot be a matter of observation by the senses - or, by the senses aided by telescopes, microscopes and other delicate optical, electrical and chemical instruments, is discarded. It has been sometimes stated that one of the general aims of this work is to unite the science of the West with the wisdom of the East. Now if we define the starting-point of western science on its practical side as the observable, how can we define the starting-point of the work? We can define the starting-point of the work as the self-observable. It begins, on the practical side, with self-observation.

These two starting-points lead in entirely different directions. A man may spend his whole life in observing the phenomenal world - the stars, atoms, cells and so on. He may gain a great amount of this kind of knowledge - namely: knowledge of the external world - that is: of all that aspect of the universe that can be detected by the senses, aided or not. This is one kind of knowledge and by means of it changes can be made. The changes are in the external world. Outer, sense experienced conditions may be improved. All sorts of facilities and conveniences and easier methods may be invented. All this knowledge, if it were used in the right way, could only be for the benefit of mankind by changing his external environment to his advantage. But this kind of knowledge of the external can only change the external. It cannot change a man in himself."

"Vind mensen, die in zichzelf zowel de motivatie als de aangeboren drijfveer hebben om aan hun Innerlijke Zelf te werken, en we zullen hen gidsen."

DIMschool vzw, de énige gespecialiseerd in Zelfkennis, zijnde: het kennen van het Zelf -

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