Beste eclecticus,
De gewone mens met zijn diverse persoonlijkheden en honderdtallen kleine ikjes kan moeilijk geloven - of, in het geheel niet inzien - dat hij nooit één en dezelfde is. Eigenlijk is dat voor ons geen probleem. Tenslotte zijn wij het die, terwijl we aan onszelf werken, tussen al die ikjes het kaf van het koren moeten leren scheiden. Op Eclecticus staan daarover diverse teksten, waaronder...
"Everyone comes to a point in the Work where efforts against certain particular 'I's that wish to maintain their power are necessary. These 'I's are hostile to the Work, only they often disguise themselves cleverly. In connection with all this we must get back to principles.
Let us recall that from the standpoint of Esotericism - that is: real psychology - a man, a woman, is not one but many - a crowd of different-sized, different-aged and differently-dressed people marching along in disorder. In this crowd are people of all kinds, pleasant, unpleasant, educated, uneducated, sick and healthy, polite and rude. One or two or several of these people may be interested in the Work-ideas. The rest may either not hear what they say or tell them they are fools, and so on. All these voices can be heard talking within one at any time if one observes oneself. Now to say 'I' to them all is to identify with them and that means not a single thing can change in us. We are then stuck to ourselves and cannot shift from what we are. That is the general principle and it is just as well to repeat it to ourselves often and keep on re-seeing what it means.
It is called the doctrine of 'I's. It is fundamental. It is directly connected with the teaching about the level of mechanical Man's being - namely: that his being is characterized by multiplicity and is devoid of unity. It must be realized personally by self-observation - by the First Line of Work, work on oneself.
Now people may try genuinely to work on themselves but try to do so without any observation of 'I's. They take the whole mass of themselves as one, as 'I'. It is impossible to work on yourself if you take the whole mass of yourself as one, as 'I'. Of this we have to be continually reminded. Have you seen a view of yourself marching along as a crowd of 'I's, some good, some evil, some in tatters, some overdressed, some well-meaning, some slanderous, some brave, some self-pitying, some intelligent, some stupid, some a little developed, some undeveloped, and childish, and so on? This marching column, marching anyhow, now some leading, now others, this haphazard crew, is leading one's life for one. This is a phrase in the Work not used recently.
I was reminded of it by a letter I received from a person once in the Work years back. He wrote: "There was much in the Work which I did not understand, but a small fragment, a phrase you used, touched something in me and has haunted me ever since - a partial understanding of what you meant when you said that one contains within oneself a group of conflicting 'I's which lead one's life for one." He said he had begun to realize, on looking back, that he had never led his own life, but that he had been compelled to lead a life that these 'I's in him insisted upon him leading."
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