Onderstaande aforismen komen uit het boek 'De spirituele reis van Alejandro Jodorowsky', geschreven door Alexandro Jodorowsky, een soort van autobiografie. De uitspraken zijn van George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff. Naar het schijnt werden ze aan Reyna D'Assia gegeven, die zichzelf ooit uitriep tot Gurdjieff's dochter.
Uiteindelijk kan de bron van deze informatie worden betwist: iedereen, die rond de periode dat Gurdjieff leefde geboren werd, en wiens moeder deel uitmaakte van Gurdjieff's leerlingen, kan de titel van 'zoon' of 'dochter' voor zichzelf opeisen. Anders gezegd: hij had veel kinderen.
In de videoclip is de muziek eveneens van G.I. Gurdjieff afkomstig. Je hoort achtereenvolgens: 1- Hymn from a great temple - 2 Hymn for Easter Thursday, en 3- Prayer number 2.
Geniet van de uitspraken...
Ground your attention on yourself. Be conscious at every moment of what you are thinking, sensing, feeling, desiring, and doing.
Always finish what you have begun.
Whatever you are doing, do it as well as possible.
Do not become attached to anything that can destroy you in the course of time.
Develop your generosity ? but secretly.
Treat everyone as if he or she was a close relative.
Organise what you have disorganised.
Learn to receive and give thanks for every gift.
Stop defining yourself.
Do not lie or steal, for you lie to yourself and steal from yourself.
Help your neighbour, but do not make him dependent.
Do not encourage others to imitate you.
Make work plans and accomplish them.
Do not take up too much space.
Make no useless movements or sounds.
If you lack faith, pretend to have it.
Do not allow yourself to be impressed by strong personalities.
Do not regard anyone or anything as your possession.
Share fairly.
Do not seduce.
Sleep and eat only as much as necessary.
Do not speak of your personal problems.
Do not express judgment or criticism when you are ignorant of most of the factors involved.
Do not establish useless friendships.
Do not follow fashions.
Do not sell yourself.
Respect contracts you have signed.
Be on time.
Never envy the luck or success of anyone.
Say no more than necessary.
Do not think of the profits your work will engender.
Never threaten anyone.
Keep your promises.
In any discussion, put yourself in the other person’s place.
Admit that someone else may be superior to you.
Do not eliminate, but transmute.
Conquer your fears, for each of them represents a camouflaged desire.
Help others to help themselves.
Conquer your aversions and come closer to those who inspire rejection in you.
Do not react to what others say about you, whether praise or blame.
Transform your pride into dignity.
Transform your anger into creativity.
Transform your greed into respect for beauty.
Transform your envy into admiration for the values of the other.
Transform your hate into charity.
Neither praise nor insult yourself.
Regard what does not belong to you as if it did belong to you.
Do not complain.
Develop your imagination.
Never give orders to gain the satisfaction of being obeyed.
Pay for services performed for you.
Do not proselytise your work or ideas.
Do not try to make others feel for you emotions such as pity, admiration, sympathy, or complicity.
Do not try to distinguish yourself by your appearance.
Never contradict; instead, be silent.
Do not contract debts; acquire and pay immediately.
If you offend someone, ask his or her pardon; if you have offended a person publicly, apologise publicly.
When you realise you have said something that is mistaken, do not persist in error through pride; instead, immediately retract it.
Never defend your old ideas simply because you are the one who expressed them.
Do not keep useless objects.
Do not adorn yourself with exotic ideas.
Do not have your photograph taken with famous people.
Justify yourself to no one, and keep your own counsel.
Never define yourself by what you possess.
Never speak of yourself without considering that you might change.
Accept that nothing belongs to you.
When someone asks your opinion about something or someone, speak only of his or her qualities.
When you become ill, regard your illness as your teacher, not as something to be hated.
Look directly, and do not hide yourself.
Do not forget your dead, but accord them a limited place and do not allow them to invade your life.
Wherever you live, always find a space that you devote to the sacred.
When you perform a service, make your effort inconspicuous.
If you decide to work to help others, do it with pleasure.
If you are hesitating between doing and not doing, take the risk of doing.
Do not try to be everything to your spouse; accept that there are things that you cannot give him or her but which others can.
When someone is speaking to an interested audience, do not contradict that person and steal his or her audience.
Live on money you have earned.
Never brag about amorous adventures.
Never glorify your weaknesses.
Never visit someone only to pass the time.
Obtain things in order to share them.
If you are meditating and a devil appears, make the devil meditate too.
Jodorowsky: "Reyna, je vertelt me sprookjes! Dergelijke doelen zijn 100% utopisch – en zelfs als ze waar zouden zijn, wat is dan de eerste stap op dit pad?"
Reyna d'Assia: "Wie het hoogste doel wil bereiken, moet eerst zijn gewoonten veranderen, luiheid overwinnen en een moreel gezond mens worden. Om sterk te zijn in de grote dingen, moeten we ook sterk zijn in de kleine."
Jodorowsky: "Hoe?"
Reyna d'Assia: "We zijn slecht opgeleid. We leven in een wereld van competitie waarin eerlijkheid synoniem is met naïviteit. We moeten eerst goede gewoonten ontwikkelen. Sommige lijken misschien eenvoudig, maar ze zijn erg moeilijk te realiseren. Als we geloven dat ze voor de hand liggen, zien we niet in dat ze de sleutel zijn tot onsterfelijk bewustzijn."

"Vind mensen, die in zichzelf zowel de motivatie als de aangeboren drijfveer hebben om aan hun Innerlijke Zelf te werken, en we zullen hen gidsen."
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