Beste eclecticus,
Met mensen een gesprek aangaan, kan een nuttig tijdverdrijf zijn - vooral, indien je in dat moment niets beters te doen hebt - of, indien de omstandigheden het van jou afdwingen. Soms moet je wel hun ego strelen - of, hen de broodnodige aandacht, en zo meer, geven. Die gesprekthema's zullen - terwijl jij jezelf wegcijfert - dan ook vooral in de richting van hun persoonlijke interesses uitgaan.
Draai, of keer het: in de meeste gevallen is het puur tijd- en energieverlies, tenzij het familieleden, werkmakkers, zeer goede vrienden of kennissen zijn... En, juist omdat ikzelf 'behoud van energie' sterk op prijs stel, vermijd ik vooral de zinloze gesprekken. Nochtans heb ik er de laatste jaren nog enkelen gevoerd. Vanwege externe consideratie.
Tegen de gewone mens praat ik nooit, maar ook nooit over het onderwerp 'Zelfkennis'. Dus ook niet tegen zogenaamde vrienden en kennissen, tenzij ze er zélf iets over vragen. Tenslotte kent iedereen zichzelf, nietwaar? Kom dan ook niet af met iemand te vertellen dat hij in slaap is, én dat hij kan 'ontwaken'. De kans is dan wel groot dat men jou heel terecht vierkant in het gezicht uitlacht - want, elkeen denkt van zichzelf dat hij klaarwakker is...
Herhaaldelijk vermeldde ik dan ook dat zelfs de inhoud van het Nieuwe Testament niet voor de gewone mens is weggelegd. Mensen kunnen de woorden lezen, dat wel - maar, ze begrijpen kunnen ze spijtig genoeg niet. Dit is dan ook de reden waarom ze het nooit op zichzelf zullen kunnen toepassen. Maar ja: waarom zouden ze?...
Indien je de rubriek 'Eclecticus' bezoekt, zal je weleens op de tekst 'Rebirth' stoten. Hieronder druk ik er alvast een fragmentje van af...
Gurdjieff said on one occasion that many things appear in the Gospels about the inner teaching on Man's nature and possibilities but that usually the essential points are left out. They are either left out or given in the wrong order and appear without connection. In the extract from Gurdjieff's talks that I am now going to quote, three main ideas are spoken about: death, birth and sleep. Everyone knows that the New Testament says that a man can be reborn, or born again, or born anew, or born from above (literally interpreted). Christ says to Nicodemus: "Unless a man is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." {John III 3). This means in the language of the Work that a man cannot enter the Conscious Circle of Humanity unless he is born anew, or born from the Work. Strictly speaking, the Work would say: "Unless he is born", because physical birth is not being born in the esoteric sense. When a man ceases to be mechanical man, when he becomes conscious, when Real 'I' appears in him, then he is a Man.
In the 7 categories of men given in the Work, Nos. 1, 2 and 3 men, which comprise the bulk of humanity, belong to the circle of mechanical men, the circle of confusion of tongues, of Babel, where no one can ever agree and no one can understand the other person. We seek in this Work to learn a common language in order to understand each other a little better. We seek ultimately to be born, but in order to be born we must die, and in order to die we must first awaken. Christ in the words attributed to him, says simply: "A man must be born again before he can enter the kingdom of God." In another place he says: "We must awaken (translated as 'watch') and pray." In another place Christ says: "Except a grain of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone . . ." (John XII 24).
If you think for a moment you will see how impossible it is to die to oneself unless one awakens to oneself, however painful the awakening may be.
Gurdjieff in 1926: "I am often asked questions in connection with the various texts, parables, and so on, from the Gospels. In my opinion the time has not yet come for us to speak about the Gospels. This requires more knowledge. But from time to time we will take certain Gospel texts as points of departure for our discussions. This will teach you to treat them in the right way - and, above all, to realize that in the texts known to us, the most essential points are usually missing.
To begin with, let us take the well-known text about the seed which must die in order to be born: "Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone; but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit."
This text has many different meanings, and we shall often return to it. But first of all it is necessary to know the principle contained in this text in its full measure as applied to man. There is a book of aphorisms which has never been published, and probably never will be published. I have mentioned this book before in connection with the meaning of knowledge, and I quoted then one aphorism from the book. In relation to what we are speaking of now, this book says the following: "A man may be born, but in order to be born, he must first die, and in order to die, he must first awake."
In another place it says: "When a man awakes he can die; when he dies he can be born."
We must find out what this means. 'To awake', 'To die', 'To be born': these are 3 successive stages..."

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