Except a corn of wheat die, it bringeth forth no fruit - A book of aphorisms - To awake, to die, to be born - What prevents a man from being born again? - What prevents a man from 'dying'? - What prevents a man from awakening? - Absence of the realization of one's own nothingness - What does the realization of one's own nothingness mean? - What prevents this realization? - Hypnotic influence of life - The sleep in which men live is hypnotic sleep - The magician and the sheep - Kundalini - Imagination - Alarm clocks - Organized work - Groups - Is it possible to work in groups without a teacher? - Work of self-study in groups - Mirrors - Exchange of observations - General and individual conditions - Rules - Chief fault - Realization of one's own nothingness - Danger of imitative work - Barriers - Truth and falsehood - Sincerity with oneself - Efforts - Accumulators - The big accumulator - Intellectual and emotional work - Necessity for feeling - Possibility of understanding through feeling what cannot be understood through the mind - The emotional center is a more subtle apparatus than the intellectual center - Explanation of yawning in connection with accumulators - Role and significance of laughter in life - Absence of laughter in higher centers.
'To begin with, let us take the well-known text about the seed which must die in order to be born. 'Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone; but, if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.'

"Vind mensen, die in zichzelf zowel de motivatie als de aangeboren drijfveer hebben om aan hun Innerlijke Zelf te werken, en we zullen hen gidsen."
- DIMschool vzw, de énige gespecialiseerd in Zelfkennis, zijnde: het kennen van het Zelf -
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