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In Search of the Miraculous by P. D. Ouspensky - Chapter 10

Fragments of an Unknown Teaching - Part 10.
door Tsenne Kikke - maandag 5 juli 2021 19:36


From what does the way start? - The law of accident - Kinds of influences - Influences created in life - Influences created outside life, conscious in their origin only - The magnetic center - Looking for the way - Finding a man who knows - Third kind of influence: conscious and direct - Liberation from the law of accident - Step, stairway, and way - Special conditions of the fourth way - Wrong magnetic center is possible - How can one recognize wrong ways? - Teacher and pupil - Knowledge begins with the teaching of cosmoses - The usual concept of two cosmoses: the Macro-cosmos and Microcosmos - The full teaching of seven cosmoses - Relation between cosmoses: as zero to infinity - Principle of relativity - The way up is at the same time the way down - What a miracle is - Period of dimensions - Survey of the system of cosmoses from the point of view of the theory of many dimensions - Gurdjieff's comment, that Time is breath - Is the Microcosmos man or the atom?

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