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Osho: Priesters en politici zijn de Mafia van de Ziel

… een reactie op 'Wild Wild Country'.
door Tsenne Kikke - maandag 23 april 2018 19:27

De afgelopen tijd zijn er talloze artikelen verschenen in kranten naar aanleiding van de recent uitgebrachte zesdelige Netflix docu-serie 'Wild Wild Country'.

Toen de gebeurtenissen plaatsvonden waar de documentaireserie ‘Wild Wild Country’ over gaat, kwam Osho net uit een periode van stilte, die ruim 3 jaar had geduurd. Te midden van de chaos die zich rondom hem ontvouwde begon Osho weer te spreken voor een gehoor van discipelen en internationale pers. 'Osho International' heeft hier ook een 6-delige serie van gemaakt getiteld: ‘Priests and Polticians, the Maffia of the Soul.’ Het zijn stukjes lezing, elk van een half uur tot drie kwartier...

1: Politicians: the successful criminals (Explaining the difference between intellect and intelligence.)

2: People on a power trip without guts find the path of righteousness, morality, and prayer.

3: The Separation of Church and State.

4: Our religion is an inquiry into truth.

5: Love is the center of the whole universe and we have created this small commune on the same existential principle.

6: Happiness attracts happiness. Lovingness attracts more love. Blissfulness attracts more bliss.

Osho: "To me it is of great significance that idiots don't get interested in me. They get angry at me, that's very good. And I try my best to keep them angry, hating me, against me, because I don't want them to be here. I don't want this place to turn into a commune of idiots.

Sometimes an idiot comes by accident. But soon he escapes, it is too much for him, to look so high. He has always crawled on the earth; he is a creature who, by some accident, started walking on two legs. He should be walking on all fours – that's where he belongs. I am not interested in that kind of people. And of course they are the majority – so I am not interested in the majority.

I am perfectly happy that they are angry. Please keep them angry. And I will go on doing things so that they will remain angry and will not come in. We are not afraid of people going out. Those who go out we are very happy, relieved of a burden. We are worried about people coming in, people who cannot really belong to an intelligent, loving, responsible commune. […]

This is the birth of a new man that you are witnessing. You should rejoice that you are witnessing something which is going to be the most significant factor in human history, which is going to divide the past and the future."

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